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Overall Circuit Overview

The circuit can be broken down into three main steps:

  1. The Arduino, for some reason (could be a hit, or it choosing for the mole to go up) chooses to change the state of a mole.
  2. The Arduino sends a signal (by setting a pin to high or low) to the MOSFET, turning it on/off and allowing/blocking current flow through the solenoid.
  3. The solenoid generates a magnetic field, which moves the plunger in the pneumatic system and causes the mole to pop up through the hole.

As the game continues, the Arduino controls the movement of the moles by turning the MOSFETs on and off. The Arduino will also send data when moles are hit by the player over the serial connection to the Raspberry Pi, which will display the score and other information on the scoreboard.

See the circuit diagram for more information on our wiring.

Arduino Firmware Overview

The firmware on the Arduino has three main responsibilities:

We use one external library: Benoit Blanchon’s excellent ArduinoJSON library. This allows us to serialize output to the Pi and deserialize input from the Pi.

The Mole Class

In order to do that, we wrote a class that controls a Mole. It has a few fields and methods:

class Mole
  // pin the mole's solenoid is on
  int solenoidPin;
  // pin the mole's button is on
  int buttonPin;
  // if the mole is up
  bool isUp;
  // when the mole went up
  unsigned long timeUp;
  // how long the mole should be up for
  uint32_t upFor;
  // time until the mole can be pressed / go up
  unsigned long timeout;

   Create a new mole.
   @param solenoidPin The pin that the mole's solenoid is on.
   @param buttonPin The pin that the mole's button is on.
  Mole(int solenoidPin, int buttonPin);
  bool raiseFor(unsigned long currentTime, int ms); // raise the mole for ms
  bool lowerIfTimePassed(unsigned long time); // lower the mole if it has timed out, returns whether it was lowered
  int lower(unsigned long time); // lower the mole whether it has timed out or not, returns how long it was up for
  void tickTimeout(unsigned long time); // clear the timeout if it has elapsed
  bool timeoutIsActive(unsigned long time); // check whether there is an active timeout
  bool buttonPinIsHigh(); // check whether the mole's button is being pressed

  void print(); // print the mole to the console, useful for debugging
  StaticJsonDocument<64> toJson(); // return a JSON representation of the mole, useful for debugging

Setup and Configuration

Some configuration settings are available and static as the code runs:

There are also some settings for the moles that effect gameplay:

A few global variables also hold some state:

Finally, the setup() function runs which just initializes Serial communication, and sets the Serial timeout to 10ms. It also sets the moleHitDocument.type property to mole_hit, which will never change.

The Game Loop

The game loop, which just returns if gameRunning is false, has all of the core logic.

  1. First, we call the millis() function and assign it to a variable. Since we’ll use this value many times, we can ensure that the value is always the same throughout a single function run and makes the function more efficient, which is important for reasons we’ll discuss later.
  2. We run through all moles, and call their tickTimeout method with the time variable. This ensures that any timeouts that have elapsed are cleared.
  3. If the mole is up, we’ll also:
    • Lower it, if the player didn’t hit it and it’s been up for too long. If this happens, we’ll set a didLower variable to true, which will cause us to skip to the next loop() iteration.
    • If the mole is still up (didn’t just get lowered), its timeout is not active, and its button pin is high, we’ll lower the mole by calling mole->lower(time), and tell the Pi that a mole has been hit, with the uptime value returned from the lower call.
    • Finally, if the mole isn’t currently being pressed, we’ll increment a numMolesUp variable, which will tell us if we can raise a mole later on.
  4. Check if we can raise a mole (if numMolesUp < maxMolesUp). If we can:
    • We’ll use the random(0, 6) function to decide which mole we want to raise
    • If that mole is up or its timeout is active, we’ll just return and try again on the next loop() iteration
    • Since it’s not currently up, we’ll choose how long it’ll be up before it times out by calling random(moleUptimeBetweenMs[0], moleUptimeBetweenMs[1])
    • Finally, we’ll call mole->raise(time, timeToRaise), which will raise the mole and set its timeouts

Ensuring the Game Loop is Efficient

Since the Uno only supports hardware interrupts on two pins, we can’t use them for all six moles. This means we must use digitalRead() to check if a button is being pressed, and, since moles are momentarily hit, we need to check really often to ensure that we don’t miss a hit.

This means that the game loop must be as efficient as possible. We do this by:

Handling Input from the Pi

We also use the serialEvent() builtin interrupt function to detect Serial input from the Pi. When Serial data is available, this function is automatically called.

Here, we:

  1. Check that the input is JSON, and try to decode it. If we can’t decode it as JSON, we just print an error and return.
  2. Allocate memory for JsonDocuments that will hold the output value
  3. Read the .action property from the decoded input, and perform that action. The following self-explanatory actions are available: start_game, stop_game, and get_status.

Each one allows the game loop (implemented in the Arduino loop()) to control the mole.

Sprint 1

In the first sprint, we just reused code and our circuit from Mini Project 2 (servo motor control) to get a servo to go from 0 -> 360 -> 0 on loop. This made our mole go up and down.

Sprint 2

In the second sprint, we made a test circuit for the Arduino that let us test the game logic. It consisted of six buttons (which represented the buttons in the top of the moles) and six LEDs (which represented the state of the moles, up or down) connected with a 10K resistor to the Arduino. This allowed us to work on firmware separate from the mechanical team and we got the game logic largely done here– we wrote the Mole class, implemented many methods and wrote the first version of the game logic, notably without the timeouts.

We also (and perhaps more importantly) made the solenoid control circuit. We used MOSFETs (electrical gates that control the flow of electricity in a circuit, and they allow a low-voltage device like an Arduino or a Pi to control a higher-voltage device like a 12V solenoid) to let the Arduino control the solenoids.

Sprint 3

In the third sprint of the project, we:

Final Sprint

In the final sprint of the project, we focused on playtesting and adjusting the code.

As we played, it became clear that, since there was about a 1/4 chance for each mole to go up, the same moles were going up over and over again. We spent a bunch of time creating the timeout system that kept moles down for a certain amount of time after they were hit, and this made the game significantly more fun, when the timeouts were right, and we found the right values with trial-and-error.

We also somewhat merged with the software team to ensure that the Serial output from the Arduino was in the correct format for the Pi to read, and we helped them work on the software to ensure we had a fully functional game on demo day, which we did!

Finally, we went back to the game loop and optimized the software. This helped ensure that almost all mole hits registered and that the game loop ran at a consistent speed.